I was looking at myself in the mirror and I noticed that the prosperity was showing itself around my waist. Then I looked at my handsome face and continued getting ready for work.
That mirror showed me everything about me. The good things and the bad ones. It just told me the truth. No sugar coating, no diplomacy.
I as a person, chose to see only the handsome face and not the tummy.
That is exactly the role of a teacher in our life. A teacher shows us exactly what we are. A teacher tells us where we are good and where we are not. But, what to do with that knowledge is entirely our choice. When my teacher tells me that I need to improve my time management, I can either work on it or I can try to justify saying that my time management is not good but I'm good in so many other things. Just like the mirror told me that my tummy was big but I continued to look at my face.
Two fat men stood in front of a mirror, one saw the face, another saw the big tummy. The one who saw the face continued to see the face. The one who saw the tummy started working on it. Few months later, both of them came in front of the mirror. Who do you think had become a better, fitter person.
Whenever I give a feedback to someone in my team, I clarify that the intention of the feedback is to improve the person and not to humiliate or insult him in any way. It is my job to be a mirror there. And it is the person's job to take the reflection in the right meaning.
In the same way, when I sit in a discussion with my seniors, I'm sitting in front of a mirror. It is my job to receive the feedback in the right sense and work on improving on it.
All of us may not be fortunate enough to find a teacher in our life, but most of us do have a mirror in our mothers, sometimes in a friend, sometimes in the life companion. All of us have one person in our life who will always tell us the truth on the face. That person is the mirror of our life.
I've been fortunate to have the right relationships in my life who have showed me truth at every stage. At times when life cornered me alone, the everyday house hold mirror has been my companion. When you look at that mirror and look into the eyes of that reflection (your reflection)... those eyes have the power to show you all the truth in the world... Everything about you...
At times I have been mature enough to see it and improve upon it. At times I have also been immature and ignored it. And I can assure you that everytime I accepted the truth shown by the mirror, I have become a better person.
When was the last time you saw the mirror?
That mirror showed me everything about me. The good things and the bad ones. It just told me the truth. No sugar coating, no diplomacy.
I as a person, chose to see only the handsome face and not the tummy.
That is exactly the role of a teacher in our life. A teacher shows us exactly what we are. A teacher tells us where we are good and where we are not. But, what to do with that knowledge is entirely our choice. When my teacher tells me that I need to improve my time management, I can either work on it or I can try to justify saying that my time management is not good but I'm good in so many other things. Just like the mirror told me that my tummy was big but I continued to look at my face.
Two fat men stood in front of a mirror, one saw the face, another saw the big tummy. The one who saw the face continued to see the face. The one who saw the tummy started working on it. Few months later, both of them came in front of the mirror. Who do you think had become a better, fitter person.
Whenever I give a feedback to someone in my team, I clarify that the intention of the feedback is to improve the person and not to humiliate or insult him in any way. It is my job to be a mirror there. And it is the person's job to take the reflection in the right meaning.
In the same way, when I sit in a discussion with my seniors, I'm sitting in front of a mirror. It is my job to receive the feedback in the right sense and work on improving on it.
All of us may not be fortunate enough to find a teacher in our life, but most of us do have a mirror in our mothers, sometimes in a friend, sometimes in the life companion. All of us have one person in our life who will always tell us the truth on the face. That person is the mirror of our life.
I've been fortunate to have the right relationships in my life who have showed me truth at every stage. At times when life cornered me alone, the everyday house hold mirror has been my companion. When you look at that mirror and look into the eyes of that reflection (your reflection)... those eyes have the power to show you all the truth in the world... Everything about you...
At times I have been mature enough to see it and improve upon it. At times I have also been immature and ignored it. And I can assure you that everytime I accepted the truth shown by the mirror, I have become a better person.
When was the last time you saw the mirror?