Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Mirror...

I was looking at myself in the mirror and I noticed that the prosperity was showing itself around my waist. Then I looked at my handsome face and continued getting ready for work.

That mirror showed me everything about me. The good things and the bad ones. It just told me the truth. No sugar coating, no diplomacy.
I as a person, chose to see only the handsome face and not the tummy.

That is exactly the role of a teacher in our life. A teacher shows us exactly what we are. A teacher tells us where we are good and where we are not. But, what to do with that knowledge is entirely our choice. When my teacher tells me that I need to improve my time management, I can either work on it or I can try to justify saying that my time management is not good but I'm good in so many other things. Just like the mirror told me that my tummy was big but I continued to look at my face.

Two fat men stood in front of a mirror, one saw the face, another saw the big tummy. The one who saw the face continued to see the face. The one who saw the tummy started working on it. Few months later, both of them came in front of the mirror. Who do you think had become a better, fitter person.

Whenever I give a feedback to someone in my team, I clarify that the intention of the feedback is to improve the person and not to humiliate or insult him in any way. It is my job to be a mirror there. And it is the person's job to take the reflection in the right meaning.

In the same way, when I sit in a discussion with my seniors, I'm sitting in front of a mirror. It is my job to receive the feedback in the right sense and work on improving on it.

All of us may not be fortunate enough to find a teacher in our life, but most of us do have a mirror in our mothers, sometimes in a friend, sometimes in the life companion. All of us have one person in our life who will always tell us the truth on the face. That person is the mirror of our life.

I've been fortunate to have the right relationships in my life who have showed me truth at every stage. At times when life cornered me alone, the everyday house hold mirror has been my companion. When you look at that mirror and look into the eyes of that reflection (your reflection)... those eyes have the power to show you all the truth in the world... Everything about you...

At times I have been mature enough to see it and improve upon it. At times I have also been immature and ignored it. And I can assure you that everytime I accepted the truth shown by the mirror, I have become a better person.

When was the last time you saw the mirror?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What can you offer?

I went to a temple few weeks ago with my friends. As we were entering the temple, some of my friends stopped at the entrance and bought some flowers to offer, others bought some coconuts. I wasn't sure what I wanted to offer, so I decided to enter the temple empty handed.
As we waited in the queue, waiting for our turn to come, the friends were busy in their chatter. I was a bit more silent (for a change). As I waited there, I was thinking as to what I should have bought as my offering.
First I thought I would offer coconuts to Him, but then I asked myself - who created the coconuts? who put the water and the soft white stuff inside that hard coconut? I found my answer, its Him...
Then I thought I should have bought flowers. Then I asked myself... who created those flowers? who added fragrance to them... Its Him...
Then I thought, I should have brought some milk to anoint his statue. But then, I saw what happens to the milk after it has been used for worship. That same milk could have satisfied someone's hunger... Who am I to take His creation and send it down the drain???

Then I got a bright idea... I'll just make a good donation in cash, that way I don't have to give him anything which he created... then again I thought... who has sent all this money and success to me? who gave me the right opportunities...

By then, it was our turn to offer our prayers. Like a small child, I just offered my thanks and walked out of that place, I felt already heavily accountable for all that I have received and feeling too grateful to ask anything else, I just came out.

On the way back, I was thinking, who's decision was it to ensure that I reached the temple safely and got the chance to offer my prayers?

Who chose to give me a good life and loved ones who care about me?

What is it that I have to offer??? What is it that I own???

My house, my car, my bike, my money, my success, my wealth, my family, my loved ones, my friends, my education, my very own body, my hands, my feet, my intelligence???
So many my my my my my's.... which one of these could have possibly come to me without His decision. If everything has come from Him, then what am I trying to prove by offering it back to Him???
Even my thoughts are not mine...
Yes, you read it right, even my thoughts are not my own. Haven't you had experiences when you were in a tough situation and some idea came and you got out of the situation.... knowing yourself, you also realise that you can't come up with such an idea... what do you call it???.... Divine Intervention.... isn't it??

So when even my thoughts are not my own, what is it I have then that I can offer to him?
Its just like a 3 year old goes to his dad and tells the dad - "Give me 500 rupees, I want to buy you a birthday gift"

I kept asking myself... What do I have to offer when even this body is not my own???
Then I realised... I still have one thing.
One thing which I absolutely own.
One thing which nobody in this world can take away from me....
Its my ability to make a decision...
Its my ability to decide.

We have no time in this fast paced life, even then, if I can take the decision to think of Him, that is my best offering to Him.
I had shared on my blog sometime back, my decision to sit in prayer is the best prayer I could offer Him... I still follow that...
When everything is going wrong, I sit in silence and offer Him my thanks and a promise that we will see it through together... that decision to sit is my best offering to Him.
When I feel like having a smoke, the decision to keep my arms folded is my best prayer to Him...
When I feel like hitting that person right in the face and break his nose, the decision to keep a smile on my face and hug that guy is my best prayer to Him...
When she just doesn't want to listen and I want to just bang the door on my way out, my decision to hold her and hug her as long as I can... that is my best prayer to Him...
When that skimpy micro mini skirt walks right beside me, my decision to look the other way is my best prayer to Him...
That decision to stop and take some time out, buy a few breads and blankets and give them to the needy... Not the fact that I bought them, but the fact that I took time out to do it is my best offering to Him...
We all get beautiful thoughts every day, but my decision to sit down, put them in writing and share them with the rest of the world is my offering to Him...

Whats your offering???

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The lost purpose!!!

A few years ago, there were some terror attacks in Bangalore, as a knee jerk reaction, all the top hotels and clubs implemented safety measures. Even malls had security measures in place. Today, years later, I went to a hotel in my car, they stopped me at the entrance and checked the underneath of the front with a mirror on wheels, another guy peeped into the hatchback and satisfied, they allowed me to go.
My question is - If I was a terrorist planning to blow up the hotel, will I just waltz in with a bomb sticking out of the bottom or a bag full of grenades in the boot???
Obviously, I will be more prepared, obviously those things will be better concealed.... So then, what is the purpose of going through the ritual of checking .

Once I was stopped from entering my own office building because I was wearing a Pathani Suit and had about 2 weeks of beard on my face. I was carrying my backpack with me.

At the mall, they have a metal detector and manually check all the bags. I was carrying my lunch box, while patting down the bag, the person looked at my lunch box and I just said what it was, he didn't check any further.

When the project was started, it was decided to have a daily report by generating a status, analysing each item and updating the status. A few weeks later, the person preparing the report was only updating the exceptional items. Another few weeks later, the report was just a copy paste from the earlier day.

The Finance Controller was supposed analyse and sign each of the invoices before approving. He did that for the first few years, but now, its just a formality where the accountant brings all the invoices, in less than 5 minutes, over a hundred invoices get approved.

I used to go for an audit. Everytime I entered the building's parking area, the security guard would note down my vehicle number and time of entry. After a few years, they upgraded the security systems, now there was a security camera at the entrance of the parking area. Guess what, I still see the security guard standing there diligently noting the in and out times of each and every vehicle.

By the way, I'm yet to read a news article saying that a threat was avoided because of the hand held metal detector.

This is exactly what is called a System Entropy... System Decay...

Every process, Every system is bound to decay over a period of time.
People become casual, circumstances change, people change... a complete knowledge and purpose of the original system is never transferred to the next generation. As a result, the next person doesn't see things the same way.
Every system discussed above and every single system around you and me was setup by some smart people. Every system was designed with a lot of thinking an planning. The problem is that every single system designed was suitable for that time.

When I introduce any system, I will follow it 100%. The next person will follow only 80% of that. Next one to come will only 80% of what he learnt from the earlier person. Over a period of time, the original purpose of the process has already been lost.
By now, people are only following the steps without knowing why.

Think about it...

The only way I can see to avoid such System Entropy is to:
1. Constantly review the existing systems.
2. Never allow the steps to become mechanical.
3. Most importantly, never do anything without knowing why you do it...

Let's rediscover the lost purpose...

Friday, March 8, 2013

Just a housewife...

He was the pillar of the family, he pampered her, took care of her, provided for her, never allowed her to do any work, in turn, she took care of his family, his children. She was the ideal housewife with an ideal husband. Then, one day, he was gone. Taken away forever by an accident. She was left all by herself.
Years of being taken care of had made her incapable. She didn't have any skills to go out in the world and make a living for herself. After his death, she had to depend on her brothers and in laws to provide for her and her children. Now, years later, she is still a dependent.

Another, housewife found herself alone at the age of 45. This one was stronger, instead of putting herself down, she started acquiring skills, even she was dependent on her inlaws but for a very short time, in less than 3 years, she was independent and taking care of her children.

I was recently talking to a colleague, he has a wife who is also a housewife. He was proudly talking about how he doesn't allow her to work and let's her be at home and take care of the house all the time.
My question to him was - What will she do when you are gone???

I agree and understand that as men and as Indians, we like to be the earning members and provide for our families, but we also need to understand that confining the family's women within the house is the worst thing we could do to them.

"Gulshan, do you mean that we should make them work and make them do the household chores too? Isn't that too much for the poor women?"

My dear, I'm only speaking about making them independent, giving them an exposure to the outside world. Preparing them to walk alone if the time comes....
When they can do what we do, it is our job to do some of what they do too...
I don't becomes lesser of a man if I washed the dishes or maybe cooked once in a while. I don't become a lesser man if I can help her shopping the groceries or take out the garbage...
Infact, I sharing some of her work only makes me a better man.

I had another colleague who lost her husband and was up and independent in less than 3 months.

It is not necessary for them to work for money, they can just work for satisfaction...

Infact, every single woman should have 3 capabilities - driving skills, English and communication skills and a work experience.

Every woman has to have an exposure to outside world, then if she decides to give that up and take care of children and family, it's fine...

I repeat, being just a housewife is like being a frog who has lived inside a well all his life...
All my girls... Please don't do this to yourself...
All my boys... Please don't do this to your spouse...

Please... Rise... And help others rise too...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The India of my dreams...

I travelled to a country where I stayed for one and a half months and did not hear 1 single car horn. I wish India was like that...(yes, there were cars on the road, and more than you would imagine).

I have been to a place where all the passing vehicles will stop if you are standing at the edge of the road, thinking that you will cross the road... I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where all the traffic cops are honest... I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where if two people join a queue together, they offer the place to each other... I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where the empty chocolate wrappers go into the pocket if there is no trash bin nearby. I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where traffic stops at red light, no matter what time of the day it is... where yellow means slow down and not speed up... I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where you can smile at a complete stranger and receive a smile in return... I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where girls can be out late without being worried about their safety... I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where someone would do anything to spend time with family over a weekend... not be out boozing with friends... I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where television entertainment is still entertainment and not just women treated treated as objects... I wish India was like that...

I have been to a place where the first page of the newspaper talks about the good things happening in the society... I wish India was like that...

Everytime I think things like this, the sheer weight of the change required scares me... Just imagine changing 1,230,000,000 strangers... It's just too huge for me right now...

So, I've got a plan... It's a simple one and may take a couple of hundred years to work, but atleast its a plan...

I start creating the India that I wish for. I start by changing myself first.
I don't honk in traffic, I give way to walkers, I don't pay bribes to get out of a traffic situation, I throw trash in the trash bin, I'm courteous in queues, I slow down at yellow light, I return smiles, I value my family time, I watch clean entertainment...

I've changed myself, and I'm hoping that seeing me changed, a few more will change... and one day... hopefully in my lifetime I'll see the India of my dreams...