Sunday, September 21, 2014


I'm going to take you on an imagination trip today... But before that, lets brush up on some of the key companions for today's journey...

1. Rajiv Bajaj - He is the man credited with introducing the Pulsar range of bikes in India and turning the Indian bike industry around. At a time when the whole country was obsessed with mileage bikes, Bajaj Pulsar was introduced with world class performance, features and capabilities.

2. Most of you would have seen the movie "Cars". This movie is set in an imaginary universe where the whole world is only Cars. There's no human, just cars everywhere. Cars speak to each other, do things, do business, fall in love, there's a bad guy car, there's a hero car in the movie and so on. You can read up more about the movie on Google.

3. Imagination - Please have an absolutely over active imagination for the next few minutes. There's no limit to your imagination. Don't stop any thoughts which come to you while reading this blog. By the time I'm done, you would have had the most amazing reading experience so far.

Just in case you don't understand what's coming up in this sharing, just go for a walk, widen your imagination and come back for a second read... its absolutely fine...

Statutory Disclaimer -
I've not been paid by Rajiv Bajaj or Bajaj Pulsar to write this sharing.
I'm an absolute fan of Bajaj Pulsar bikes and the credit for all the positive sharing in this post goes to my Pulsar 150 DTSi.
The credit of your learning is entirely yours.
In case Mr Rajiv Bajaj ever manages to stumble on this sharing, I request him to take it in the right spirit.

Ok... Ready???

So, One day RB decided to create the most awesome bikes in the world. He gets the best technology, best parts available and the best knowledge available to build hundreds of Pulsars.
He builds all the Pulsars with best quality standards... They are all great... all equal... all best in their class... These bikes are built to be better, faster, more efficient and safer than any other bikes ever built... They were built to do everything... Race, go slow, mountain hikes, beach rides... everything which a bike could do...

Then, RB tells them to go on a 100000 km long adventure, enjoy all the best parts he's given to them and come back to him...

With a lot of excitement, all Pulsars leave RB's factory and head out into the world.

One of those Pulsars was very proud of himself. He took a real good care of himself, trying to maintain himself in absolutely showroom condition. He took such good care of himself that he didn't even go on the road because the wheels and tyres would get dirty. The engine was never started because the friction will spoil it. Shock absorbers were in mint condition because they were never taken over a bump. This Pulsar spent all day taking care of himself in the Garage. He never started his journey.

Another one of the Pulsars went and found a lot of other bike friends. They used to drink Diesel and loved the kicks. This Pulsar also tried Diesel but the problem was that his engine was never built to run on diesel. He ended up having a seized engine and never managed to complete his journey.

Yet another Pulsar went all around the world, but in his excitement to travel around the world, he never stopped to take care of himself, get himself serviced, change the engine oil or repair the broken parts. As a result, he traveled a pretty good distance but spoiled everything which RB had given to him. His shock absorbers were gone with wear and tear, engine tuning was lost because of no maintenance, chain sprocket assembly was gone, gears won't shift, tyres worn out and every possible problem a bike could dream of.

Another Pulsar decided to push himself to the max speed he could go... He hit the highways and hit the max speed he was designed for and more. In the process of going too fast, he lost control and ended up in a crash.

One more Pulsar had this habit of going too slow in the high gears.
(Crash course on gear shifts: Going slow speed in a high gear puts too much pressure on the engine damaging it. Going too fast in a low gear causes excessive revving, also damaging the engine.)

So, this Pulsar ended up damaging itself. It always shifted gears too soon and ended up struggling in every gear.

Another crazy one was the exact opposite, he would go fast, but never bothered to change gears. He kept trying to go faster while still in the lower gear. As a result, he ended up burning out his engine too soon.

Then there was this Pulsar who was different from the others. Not different physically, but there was something different deep inside this one... Something intangible was different in this one.

This Pulsar decided to follow all the rules necessary for him to complete his 100000 km journey.
He started with a shiny new body, hit a 120 kmph a few times in his life, climbed mountain trails, drove in the right gears, got himself serviced every few thousand kms, got the faulty spare parts fixed regularly, drove the right distances at the right speeds, hit potholes and speed breakers (after all its an Indian Bike) and yet kept going, There were smooth expressways and crowded rush hours... This one kept going. Learnt a few stunts too...

Finally, after their long journey, all the Pulsars came back to RB's factory.

Now come the key questions:

Do you think all these Pulsars are still the same equals they were when they left?
Of Course not. All of them are different. Enriched with their experiences on the 100000 km long journey, they have all changed. Some are better and some are worse, but they are all different.

Do you think RB is proud of all of them?
Maybe... Maybe not... Maybe some of them which performed to their peak potential will make him proud. He would still expect all of them to make the best use of the potential given to them...

Do you think RB still sees them as equals?
Should he???

Of course he still sees them as equals. After all, he made them... He knows they are all equal... He will absolutely love them all for they are his own creations.
That is the beauty of being a creator...

Do you know what RB will do now...
Because of all the Pulsars which made him proud, he will continue to create more Pulsars. He will create more powerful, more refined, more technologically advanced pulsars...
150 followed by 150 DTSi, followed by 180 followed by 180 DTSi, then 220 FI, 200 NS, 400CS, 400SS and so on...
Every Pulsar he creates makes him proud... so he continues to create more...

Today... I'm not going to give any message... I just want you to know that there are 7.2 billion Pulsars out there as we read this sharing.

I promised you a trip of Imagination... This is where I get off your imagination express.

Keep imagining and its entirely upto you to decide what you want to pick up from this sharing...

Happy Night Pulsars...

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