This could be a bit unsettling to read... but thats what reality is so many times...
Just happened to watch this program on Discovery the other day. They were showing a pair of twins who were born with their bodies joined above their waist and how the doctors saved their lives.
These twins were born with their bodies joined in a hugging position. If you can imagine two children hugging each other, the part of bodies from abdomen to the lower neck would come in contact, this was the area where these two were joined.
Doctors had to take up a process of surgically separating their bodies.
Before taking up the process, the team of doctors took all kinds of scans and x-rays and digitally created a 3D model of how their bodies, bones, organs, and each and every blood vessel was internally connected. With a 100% preparation and knowing everything about the childrens' bodies, the doctors started the separation process.
Somewhere halfway through the process, as they were about to separate the chests, they saw something, something that shocked their entire medical knowledge.
For the first time in the entire diagnosis, they noticed that the two hearts were beating in absolute synchronization. So far they didn't know why, but now they were able to see the reason staring at them.
The two hearts were connected. They were connected by a piece of flesh, it was not a muscle, not a blood vessel, nothing that could have shown up on the hundreds of scans taken. It looked like a piece of pink chewing gum stretched really thin and it was connecting both the hearts. This most insignificant piece of skin had kept the two hearts connected and they were beating as one.
Doctors did not know what could happen if they cut this connection. One or both the hearts could stop beating. Scared and praying (yes, doctors do pray), the doctors cut the skin and thats when it happened...
Just upto one second before the skin was cut, the two hearts were beating as one. The moment the connection was cut, instantly, the two hearts started beating at their own rhythm.
Thats where I think I saw God.
I don't remember much of the program after that scene, I know the children lived and are now healthy. I never watched that kind of programs before and have never seen it again, but somehow I saw it that day.
Even now if I recall, I can see that scene, two hearts beating as one this second, and are beating at two different tunes at the very next second.
What was that factor which had kept these two hearts beating as one? Infact, what is that factor which keeps our own heart beating? Agreed... the medical science says that there is an electrical current that gets triggered and so on.
But what on earth can create such electricity which we can carry inside us without getting electrocuted?
How is it that millions and trillions of electrical signals get triggered inside my head without me knowing about it?
What keeps the lungs pumping even when I'm asleep and not thinking about breathing?
What is it that repairs any cuts which happen on my skin?
What is it that somehow brings the right idea to my mind at the right time?
What an immaculate machinery has been created in form of human body.
And the best part is that most of us have not done anything in creating this body. It was given to us.
God is in this body... God is this body.
The most saddening part is when people start abusing this very body by drinking, smoking and taking all sorts of wrong things which our body is not designed for.
I realised that I have seen God and see him everyday when I look into my own eyes in the mirror.
Have you???
god bless you