Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm just the messenger...

Just imagine that you are a postman in India way back in 1940. As you are going for work, an old man calls you from behind. The old man is Mahatma Gandhi, he gives you an article to be delivered to the press for printing and sending out to the rest of the country. You take the article, walk down to the press and deliver it.
The message was printed and sent out to the whole country and thousands of people transformed through it.

Now, you did exactly your job, but, did it make any difference to you? Years later, you will tell your grandchildren that you were the man who had delivered the message to the press... and the children will ask you - What did you do after reading that message???

Just because you delivered a message from Gandhi, you don't become a Gandhi.

Just because I deliver messages of life through my learning, I don't become the wise man. The only way to become a better person is to first implement those messages myself before I go around spreading them.

We are living in a time and age ruled by social networking. With all the technology around us, its very very easy to get powerful, emotional, knowledgeable quotes on the fly. On an average day, I receive atleast 25 quotes on FB and Twitter talking about the most profound learnings of life.

You actually feel good broadcasting such messages to the world... And that is a good thing. You don't know how many people will grow out of it... My question is... Did you grow out of it???

Its no point posting a message on love and romance when you just had a fight with your loved one and are not speaking to him / her...

Its no point posting a message on friendship when you are not on talking terms with most people in your office / college...

Its no point posting a message about God while you sit in KFC...

If you are not adding a value to the message, you are just like the postman who took Gandhi's message and delivered it... He met Gandhi, He had Gandhi's wisdom in his hands, and yet he continued to live the same life...

I don't copy paste and share on social networks. If I ever share a link, it is a thought or a quote which is a result of my own introspection. I never share my teacher's knowledge as it is. If it is my teacher's teaching, then I make sure that I have lived by it long enough.

Are you still being just the messenger???

1 comment:

  1. No dear....... I send are post messages what i try to follow and implement in my life....... trust you will understand that it is not possible to change over night.... it takes some time and effort to change
