Sunday, July 31, 2011


I just hope I have the answer by the time I'm done writing this post.
What is attachment?
(If you are expecting a post about email attachments, then this post might not be for you. All attachments are not for mails. Bugs exist even outside softwares. All viruses can't be killed with antivirus, some need vaccines.)

Went to a beautiful place yesterday, I called up my sister from there and told her how I wished she should have been there. Is that attachment?
While talking to a friend, he just mentions that he's not been keeping well for a couple of days... I start feeling worried about him and go down to meet him. Is that attachment?
I have a habit of calling home and speaking to my mom atleast twice a day whether i'm in office or travelling out of the city. But another friend of mine can go without speaking to family for a full week. Does that mean I have the attachment with my family but my friend doesn't have attachment with his family?
Once we spoke about this and my friend said he doesn't have so much attachment with his family, that's the way he has been brought up.
Again, if that same friend gets a call from home for some problem, he'll rush home without thinking twice. Is that attachment?
When I'm away from home, I feel like going back there. Everytime I call my family, I would say "Miss you"
If I am at a beautiful place without my loved one by my side, even then I'll say "Miss you"
Which one is love and which one is attachment?
A lot has been spoken in this world about "Love". I'm not mature enough to even start writing about love.
Can there be love without attachment?
This one word "Attachment" has got so many questions attached.
If someone had to ask me what is this feeling of attachment and how to develop this feeling towards someone, i'm not sure if I will have an answer...

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