Thursday, May 17, 2012

How far will you go???

You might remember a post titled “Alcohell” which I had shared some time ago. Interestingly that was the one post which attracted maximum number of responses. Except for 2 people who agreed with it, rest all were trying to justify in some manner that “the item” is not that bad after all (that’s what I would prefer to call it rather than using the word alcohol over and over again in this post). Here are some of the interesting ones:
1.      ### - Gulshan, even doctors say that a few ml of red wine once in a while are good for heart.
Gulshan – Have you checked with your family doctor? Does he say the same thing?

2.      ### - Even our parents used to give us a spoon of Doctor Brandy when we were kids and got cold.
Gulshan – Mine used to give me honey, salt and ginger heated well which was followed by hot turmeric milk. Honestly, I think I have survived the colds pretty ok. Plus, in today’s time and age, we have much better medicines available.

3.      ### - (This one was a lady) – Gulshan, I think its ok to have a beer once in a while. Just one shouldn’t do any harm.
Gulshan – If your husband comes home after having beer and kisses you, will you kiss him back. Forget a mug, if he has just had a sip and gives out a very light smell, will you kiss him?
(Her silence was an answer for both of us)

4.      ### - Gulshan, you asked in the post, whether we will give just a drop to a new born? Its not fair to involve a new born baby in this context. We don’t even give chicken to a new born baby, we don’t give food to it also… then is food also bad?
Gulshan – You feel hurt when I speak of a new born right? Do your parents know that you have just a beer once in a while? Are they ok with it?
We don’t give food to a new born because his body is not ready for it yet. Doctors tell when to start solid food and then we start giving it. But I don’t know one single doctor who can tell the age for starting drinking.

5.      ### - Gulshan, what about times when doctors use the item to sedate a patient or to clean injuries?
Gulshan – That’s doctors, they know what to use, how much to use and when to use. And they use surgical alcohol, not some “xxx’s choice” or “xxx’s special” or “xxx walker” for surgeries.

All those who know me well know how strongly I feel against this foul fermented smelly liquid. This is the conviction I have found for myself and I am willing to go quite far to hold on to it.

We all know that advertisements of these drinks are banned in India. So these companies have found a new way for advertising their products… Instead of advertising for “xxx whisky” they advertise for “xxx packaged drinking water”, “xxx music cds” and flood the market with these products. (Of course, they have not manufactured any of it, they just outsource the brand name to some small time local manufacturers)

This is a classic example of Surrogate Advertisement (also known as subliminal messaging or subconscious advertisement)
The effect  of this kind of advertisement is so powerful that even if you ask a non-drinker to name any five alcoholic brands, “xxx” will be the first name he says.
Why??? Because everytime he drinks water, he sees the brand name on the bottle and subconsciously registers the information.

Once, the brand of water supplied in my client’s place was changed to “xxx packaged drinking water”. Next day, I took my own water bottle to work. One of the employees noticed and asked if there was a problem with the water provided there. I said that the bottle contained a label of an alcoholic brand and I did not want it on my desk, so I brought my own bottle.
He looked at me as if I was from some other planet (actually, I’m getting quite used to that look) and said “That’s a bit too extreme”. I just said – “Yep… that it is”

Just in case you are wondering how extreme it could get… let me clarify it for you…
I don’t give treats which involve taking you to a place and getting you drunk...
I don’t pay for any treats which have this item as one of the served…
I don’t directly or indirectly pay for anybody’s drinks…
I don’t use any products so much as containing a name of it… (our mind is something very valuable, it has to be kept pure… And I intend to take care of whatever of it I have)
I don’t consume any medication for cold which contains any form of alcohol… even when consulting a doctor, I request him to prescribe an alcohol free medicine and most doctors are happy to oblige…
I don’t get involved in a gathering where it is being consumed…
I don’t use deo sprays…
I don't take Strepsils...
Knowingly or unknowingly I tend to keep a distance from friends who are it’s regular consumers…

My teacher once told me – “Find a conviction and hold on to it. If you stand for something, you won’t fall for anything.”
I have found mine and I’m willing to go any distance to hold on to it.

You conviction could be anything… vegetarianism, a particular religion, a particular God, honesty… anything…

How far are you willing to go to hold on to your conviction?

1 comment:

  1. This is really some food for thought, how far is one willing to go to hold on to your conviction, and do they really take the guts to face any criticism or remarks as many in todays world feel it is not practical. It happended to me when a hotel asked me to have a sandwich which had beef and when i said Beef is not vegetarian they take it out and offer the sandwich again. I gave a weird stare and said no, they looked at me as if i was a alien and being stuck in the snow they thought i would have it but i survived on fruits for those 2 days. I probably had the fruits from the same hotel wherein i was not as strong as you are
