The last sharing I posted was the one written from the heart. I was very upset because a few close ones had suffered the consequences of either themselves or someone else breaking a simple traffic rule.
This one’s going to be from the mind because I have had some time to do the thinking...
Enough firing, scolding, shouting, fining, bribing has been done for traffic rules and yet we don’t seem to change…
I took some time and tried to look at the root cause for people breaking traffic rules. Interestingly it boils down to 3 very simple things. So here we go…
How Laziness?
Because, you postpone things to the last minute, leave late, leave in a hurry and then jump signals and weave through lanes to save a couple of minutes.
You know that the drive to your office or a meeting takes 25 minutes, but you will still leave 20 minutes before the deadline and then rush. Why can’t you leave half an hour early and reach relaxed?
Petty Thinking:
Trust me, I’m from a community which is considered to be the stingiest on this planet… and I feel ashamed to see how people are willing to risk their lives and those of others just to save 100 metres worth of petrol.
As I step down from my office, the main road is less than 100 metres from the office gates to the right, but is a one way. If I follow the rules and go left, I end up taking atleast 1.25 kilometres extra round on my bike. Still I take that round every single day and follow the traffic rules.
How long do you think it will take for me to push the bike through the one way and save the petrol, in turn saving closed to 30 kms worth of petrol per month? (that’s less than 60 Rupees per month). Is it worth it?
Most of the people who enter a no entry from the wrong end do so to save those petty pennies. What they don't understand is that it causes confusion to the person coming from the other end and that in turn causes accidents...
Have you ever seen a person pushing his BMW bike, or a Hayabusa down that road?
Because they have risen above the petty thinking.
You keep thinking of saving pennies in petrol, and then you will end up saving only pennies for the rest of your life…
Cheap Thrills:
I have a friend who owns a 250 cc bike, he likes to “rip” it on the road.
If you do it once in a while, maybe on a Highway, its understandable. But he does it every single day.
Once I asked him, why do you do it??? He replied “Gulshan, it gives me a kick to get ahead of people. I’m able to do the same thing in other areas such as workplace etc.”
Some lessons are better learnt the hard way… I didn’t say anything to him at that time. But this is only yet another way to get cheap thrills. If you really have so much fire under your seat, why don’t you pay enough money and get a membership on a professional race track. Atleast you can beat someone with some skills.
You don't wear a helmet or pop a wheelie to impress your girlfriend...
You go zip zap zoom right past other drivers and then suddenly slow down without realising that one of them may not have good condition brakes...
Ripping for fun, not wearing helmet because you think you will look cool, doing wheelies… these are all cheap thrills and will never serve any purpose.
Please grow up...
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