The lungs are screaming for some fresh air but the head says its okay to pump them with tobacco smoke. Somehow the head is convinced that this body is among those lucky few bodies who will survive the smoke...
The liver is rotting away trying to filter all the filth the head decided to consume, somehow the head thinks that the body has amazing resistance. Even the water filter used in the cleanest water supply gets dirty with time, what chances does the body stand against alcohol???
After climbing 2 floors the heart is already working overtime, still the head thinks that its ok to eat ghee, butter and cheese and not exercise...
Even those censored places start screaming the next morning, but still the head thinks that it's okay to eat extra spicy food...
Every time the head takes a wrong decision, the body tries to fight back... But somehow we headless heads still continue doing what we think is right...
Then one day the body finally gives up...
Not just from a physical perspective but in every field where I can see I have seen one thing for fact...
The head has to respect the feedback that comes from the body...
And if by a rare chance the head knows it is wrong and still continues to do wrong... Well... I'll better leave it unsaid...
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