Monday, October 4, 2010

Why Seek??

Someone once asked me a question --- "Gulshan... Can you be a seeker for life???
Its a simple questions but opens up so many more questions... so many answers to find...

Even when I decided to start writing this blog... it took me some time to find a name for the blog... but finally i found it...
It was so obvious... it couldn't have been anything but "Seeking my answers"
Today we have Google, Wiki, tech forums and what not... Name a question and an answer is available on the net. We can find answers to any question on the internet... don't we??? Or... Do we really find all our answers?? Do we end up with more questions than answers??

Today I'm just an ordinary guy who goes to office, has a girl friend, plays computer games, learns, teaches... and yet... there are so many questions to ask.

A loved one once told me--- ask and you will receive... seek and you shall find...
I never understood how it works, but it has always been true with me... whenever i have a question, I just go ahead and ask someone... Very often I find the answer myself even as I'm explaining my question.

So here I start my journey, trying to seek... find the questions and then find the answers... and grow in the process.


  1. wah wah!!! awesome!! :D
    i have been asking a question for a long long time.. still waiting to hear an answer!!

    way to go!! super!

  2. long questions have long answers which cannot be heard in a short time...

  3. well written Gulshan! looking forward to more 'seeking insights' from you...
    keep seeking and the answers shall come through!
