I have this friend (lets call him Dondu) who has a hobby of getting involved into “Intellectual” discussions just for the sake if it.
One such day while having a coffee, he asked me --- “Have you seen Ghosts?”
“I haven’t” I replied.
Dondu continued telling his story, “We had a neighbouring house which was haunted and we used to hear sounds at night, it was quite freaky and we used to……..”
At this time, Dondu’s cell phone rang and he started talking to the caller about the new credit card offer. Once done, he came back to the topic.
While he was talking, there was a parallel thought process going on inside my head.
Somewhere down the line, Dondu asked me --- “Have you seen God?”
“I’m happy I haven’t yet” I replied.
The look he gave me was as if he was looking at someone who has escaped from a mental asylum.
Finally he said – “Chhod yar… tujhse baat karna hi bekar hai…” (Its no use talking to you)
Looking back at it… Everything that runs this world, every single force which we have harnessed, cannot be seen.
Cell phones work on Radio Signals or Microwaves (CDMA/GSM)… We can’t see those signals.
Microwave Ovens… We cannot see the microwave energy waves.
Radiation used to generate Nuclear energy… We cannot see it.
X-Rays… We cannot see it.
Electricity… We cannot see it. (We can only see a manifestation of electricity in form of a bulb…)
Wind… We cannot see it. (We can see the particles and objects flying in wind, not the wind)
FM Radio Signal… We cannot see it.
Satellite Signals… We cannot see them.
Ghosts… we cannot see them.
Lets first try to see the day to day things, then try and talk about seeing the Ultimate energy source that runs the Universe.
For us to actually see the things discussed above, they need to manifest themselves into a form, in great concentration. Trust me, as fragile humans we may not be able to handle the manifestation.
When exposed to microwaves, radiations and Xrays for long durations, we run the risk of diseases, mutations, cancers.
When Electricity manifests itself, it becomes lightning carrying millions of volts to become visible. Trust me, you don’t want to be anywhere closeby at that time.
When Wind energy manifests itself in form of Tornadoes and storms, we all know what happens.
When Ghosts decide to make themselves visible, you and I would probably be looking for the nearest rest room.
Then what makes us even think that we are ready to See God?
What have we achieved in life to deserve seeing God?
There are forces, energies, spirits, vibrations, whatever you call them, they have been there forever and will probably be there for ever.
As a person, its my job to respect them and utilise them in the right manner (okay, not utilise ghosts, but other positive energies that exist) without interfering with these forces.
You seem to have been in a very chirpy mood while putting this down ;)